Playtime (!!), Week 2 - Jun 21 2006

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A little about why Playtime was chosen...because it is THE movie on architecture. We simply could not do this summer series without it. To make this film, Jacques Tati re-built new Paris outside of new Paris. Three times removed from the heart (and a fourth if you consider the medium) the humans left in the highly stylish modern world have to figure out how to live in the new. Don't misunderstand - this is not a futuristic sci-fi low budget flick - its comedy, commentary and a little bit of a drama. Tati nearly went broke making Playtime. And the architecture he built is what corporate firms still strive to create every day. I'm not kidding. But also I should say that Playtime is a grower. Its greatness may not be very obvious to someone who just saw the 3rd X-Men movie. But every time I see it I'm amazed by something that I hadn't noticed before. So while not always overly stimulating, it's always beautiful and always saying something despite a near absence of real dialogue.
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